Friday, January 27, 2012

getting my act together

so i feel like things are gradually coming together. nothing overnight. but last week when i made my chicken stock.. it turned out WAY better than the first couple times. and there was geletin on the top, which is supposed to be a good thing. and this got me motivated to make more chicken stock. and for the next time i am gonna try reusing the bones too. as for my eczema, i have stopped eating tomatoes and cut down a lot on the dairy and i have noticed significant healing happening. they don't hardly ever get itchy like they did before and i can move them all the time. and i am not as scared of water like i used to be. i have also tried increasing probiotics as well as i started taking a cleanse supplement. my new project: sprouting black beans. its actually kinda fun and easy. something i am including john in as well.. and he kinda likes it. every day they look a little bit different. still working on the OCM plan for women group. praying. contemplating. would this actually be something that women would be interested in? who would come? i guess i gotta get out there and start asking questions. i think i also kinda need to start doing it again myself if i want to promote/sell it. (i put a hold on it because my hands were still pretty bad with eczema, but now that it is healing i am gonna try it again.)