Sunday, October 16, 2011

Where do i start...

so i guess i can take a look at all the things i am currently doing that are considered all natural - cleaning with vinegar and water and baking soda, on and off cleansing my face with olive oil and castor oil; and then i have also been exploring cooking some things from scratch. like pizza dough and crackers. My focus is on eating more fruits and vegetables and cutting down on the processed foods trying to fill my body with more natural ingredients. i like to combine the all natural ways with keeping the costs down.. or if one area saves lots of money i have room to spend more money on other products like organic foods. things i want to work towards in the next few months - making my own laundry detergent, deoderant, and toothpaste; and making my own bread, soup, and pie. recently i am studying to get my food safety handling certificate and i came across reading about food/chemical contamination - having and storing food in the same cupboards as cleaning products.. and i thought to myself, if they use vinegar and water then this wouldn't/couldn't happen. people have been using vinegar to clean with for years and years, how come they can't implement this into businesses? also, when i go to the early years centre i find that they use bleach to sterilize the kids dishes after washing them. i just can't believe this is happening... this should be illegal, instead of policy. bleach is soo bad for us never mind for infants and kids. it just blows my mind. so.. one step at a time... i would like to create a group of women who get together to try homemade products and learn how to make their own homemade products. beginning with face and skin care. focusing on frugal and all-natural. and i think it would be a place where others are encouraged to share their homemade projects and teach others how to make them. everyone needs to reduce their spending habits and reduce the chemicals they put on or in their bodies but its hard to do this when all our advertisements surround us telling us we need this and that hair care product or face cream. we need to step away from this and help eachother to work towards a healthier lifestyle.

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